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ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom

ENEMIES: From War To Wisdom Episode 49: Remaining Curious

ENEMIES: From War To Wisdom Episode 48: Listening Mindfully: Getting Out of Your Own Head

ENEMIES: From War To Wisdom Episode 47: Speaking For Yourself: Foundation of Real Dialogue

Episode 46: What is Power? What is Vulnerability

Episode 45: Fear of Death (Part 3)

Episode 44: Fear of Death (Part 2)

Episode 43: Fear of Death (Part 1)

Episode 42: Free Speech and Right Speech: Following the Path of Non-Hatred Part 2

Episode 41: Free Speech and Right Speech: Following the Path of Non-Hatred Part 1

Episode 40: What is Propaganda? How Can We Tell That We Are Being Persuaded by False Rhetoric? Part 2

Episode 39: What is Propaganda? How Can We Tell That We Are Being Persuaded by False Rhetoric? Part 1

Episode 38: What Is “Crowd Psychology”? How Does It Affect Individuals and Groups (Part 2)

Episode 37: What Is “Crowd Psychology”? How Does It Affect Individuals and Groups (Part 1)

EPISODE 36: What about mothers & daughters? Why is it so hard?

EPISODE 35: The Illusion of Reality: The Work of Donald Hoffman Part 2

EPISODE 34: The Illusion of Reality: The Work of Donald Hoffman Part 1

EPISODE 33: How Do We Make Sense of What Others Do to Us and What We Do to Others When Our Actions Seem Harmful or Helpful?

EPISODE 32: The Dove is Never Free: Our Podcast Logo

EPISODE 31: The Help that Hurts and the Hurt that Helps: Knowing How to Help When Others Are in Need

Episode 30: The Snow Globe of Our Subjectivity: Why It’s So Hard to Agree

Episode 29: Opposites/Contraries During the COVID-19 Crisis

EPISODE 28: Self-Righteousness and Moral Superiority

Episode 27: Humiliation-Rage Cycle in Private and Public Situations

Episode 26: (Part 2): Projection and Projective-Identification: What do they mean?

Episode 25: (Part 1): Projection and Projective-Identification: What do they mean?

Episode 24: Why Do Marriage and Commitment Bring Up Feelings of Hostility and Fear?

Episode 23: Troubled Sisterhood: Veiled Aggression and Competition

EPISODE 22: The Problem of Hostile Dependency: Biting the Hand that Feeds You

Episode 21: Free Will and Wisdom: the Ten Commandments, the Five Precepts, and the Golden Rule

Episode 20: Introducing Sarah Brodie, Co-host for Real Dialogue Live Events

Episode 19: Once Again, What is the Human Self?

Episode 18: Clearing the Fog of War

Episode 17: What is War?

Episode 16: Speaking the Truth Kindly

Episode 15: Dressed to kill: Appearance as Power

Episode 14: Love and Hate for Self

Episode 13: Hatred & Non-Hatred: What the Buddha Taught

Episode 12: Real Dialogue: Rules & Realities

Episode 11: Speaking to Yourself & Speaking to others

Episode 10: The Difference Between Aggression & ANger

Episode 9: Rejecting Humiliation, Hostility & Hate

Episode 8: Love & HAte Part 2

Episode 7: Love & Hate Part 1

Episode 6: Ourselves & Others

Episode 5: Emotions & Feelings Part 2

Episode 4: Emotions & Feelings Part 1

Episode 3: Conflict

Episode 2: Why enemies?

Episode 1: Why do we need enemies?